SpecPath & Industry Data Sharing Committee: September 2021 Update

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October 4, 2021
October 4, 2021

The SpecPath & Industry Data Sharing Committee provides a competitive advantage to our SpecPath and SpecQuote subscribers by developing new features and benefits and working with industry partners on sharing data across the channel.
New SpecPath Features Released this Fall
- My B. I. (Business Intelligence): SpecPath’s new module, My B.I. combines business analytics, data mining, data visualization, and best practices to help organizations make more data-driven decisions. The My BI page gives you the ability to create, edit and export custom reports in a variety of visual formats including graphs and comparison charts. You’ll have the ability see deep into your projects, by category, by specifier, by brand, you name it.
- My Product Categories: For the first time ever SpecPath, My Product Categories will include item product categories. This new module enables SpecPath Subscribers to filter through projects in your region by item category. You can sort by items or projects and also by brand or consultant. It will show your totals per category, the industry totals per category (in your region) which will enable you to see your spec-share percentage.
SpecPath Training
- Starting in late September 2021 we will hold monthly SpecPath training webinars that will cover 1-2 main topics per meeting so our subscribers can get the most out of SpecPath.
- Also released this Fall will be a SpecPath in-program module that covers what’s new, what’s fixed, what’s coming and a special SpecPath section in the soon-to-be re-released MAFSI Matters newsletter subscriber including spotlight, stats, etc.