Easily Complete the Business Barometer with MAFSI's New Excel Tool

November 9, 2022

We have talked a lot about the Barometer lately because we know it is a great tool for all MAFSI members!
Now we have a new tool so our Rep Firms can complete the quarterly MAFSI Business Barometer with ease.
The more of us that complete the survey the better the data and the more powerful the tool becomes.
All of us are aware of the time demands that our businesses and our factory partners have placed on us and so it is understandable that this survey may fall on the back burner or get completely forgotten.
I am going to share with you a new tool to make the Business Barometer a breeze to complete.
New Tool: Excel Barometer tool
This tool is just like it sounds, it is an Excel spreadsheet that has been formatted to calculate the percentages needed for your Quarterly Barometer Survey. All you do is input prior QTR and current QTR data for the same categories each quarter and it will calculate the percentages for you.
You can type in your manufacturers' names instead of “Equipment line 1”. All the primary categories are broken out for you already to make it easy.
As you can see, from the screenshot below, this can be a really simple process to complete the survey. Your data is completely anonymous and is never seen by any other reps or MAFSI staff, as it is sent directly to a third-party company to compile for us to use and share with the industry as the experts and professionals that we are.
We use the MAFSI Barometer as a tool to measure ourselves in our region, forecast with our factory partners, and negotiate future quotas.
It has been a powerful tool for us. I hope it is for you as well. I hope you will help all of us at MAFSI by completing future surveys.