BENEFIT SPOTLIGHT: Back to School - Aug/Sept 2024

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If you haven't caught up on the latest news, don't worry! Here's a quick recap: As of August 2024, all offerings in the Pantry of Knowledge (POK) and Foodservice 101 are now eligible for CFSP credits.

Let's learn more about MAFSI's Pantry of Knowledge and Foodservice 101 online training.

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With an arsenal of over 850+ online training courses, these resources are accessible around the clock, ensuring flexibility and convenience for all our members.

MAFSI's POK is not just a training platform; it is an investment in your workforce's future. It focuses on enhancing core skills, fostering new competencies, and equipping your team to navigate the ever-evolving business landscape. With POK, you have access to fifteen Learning Paths or structured modules to guide your learning journey. There are twelve Core Competency Categories, focused learning to master essential business skills.

POK includes Harvard courses, business skills, sales, marketing, Microsoft, Salesforce, WordPress, and many more. 

Get Back to School with POK

  • Cost: $299 per learner for one year.

  • Details: The subscription runs through one full year from your signup date, encompassing all 850+ courses in POK.

Don’t miss out on this chance to empower yourself and your team with top-tier training and development opportunities.

Sign up now for Pantry of Knowledge (POK) and start your higher learning journey today. Be sure to read the POK sign-up instructions first.

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MAFSI's Foodservice 101, the only industry training program that explains the intricacies of the channel partners' relationships, roles, and responsibilities, how we work together to serve the operator, and even foodservice math! FS101 benefits all employees no matter what their learning experiences and is offered to both MAFSI members and to our channel partners.

Foodservice 101 benefits all employees, no matter their level of experience. It is the only industry training program that explains the intricacies of the channel partners' relationships, roles, and responsibilities, how we work together to serve the operator, and even foodservice math! It can significantly shorten your on-boarding of new hires, too. 

Foodservice 101 is offered to both MAFSI members and non-members. The cost is $199 for one member when purchased individually and check out our bulk pricing and be sure to read the instructions on how to sign up your staff members!

Get Back to School with FS101

  • Cost: $199 per learner

  • Details: The cost of the Foodservice 101 curriculum includes all six courses.

Sign up now for Foodservice 101 and shorten your on-boarding and become a foodservice expert today!

Start learning with the Pantry of Knowledge and FS101 to acquire all the CFSP credits you need today!

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