PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE: Neil Inverso - Atlanta, Palm Springs and More! - Oct/Nov 2024

Neil Inverso, MAFSI President
Post by Neil Inverso, MAFSI President
December 1, 2024

Mafsi Messenger Blog Banners v4 committee revised Tight to Artboards_MAFSI messenger Presidents Message

Atlanta, Palm Springs and More!

Dear Members,

I write this message as I return from another successful board meeting in Atlanta, home of MAFSI and the next NAFEM. It was the first meeting for some, and I am happy to say your board members are a crew of workers who rolled up their sleeves and went above and beyond on your behalf. The work wasn’t over when the directors left, the Executive Team and Staff spent another day sorting through the previous days’ work and making sure there was an action list to dig into once we got home. To board members that attended, we all thank you.

MAFSI 2024 Winter Board Meeting

November 18-21, 2024
Atlanta, GA

I also want to thank members that went to MAFSI Regional Meetings, held in our 23 chapters last quarter throughout North America. It is the first time in 25 years we have accomplished this feat, resulting in a comprehensive look into what MAFSI works on, and provides to you, our members.

One of the highlights of the meeting was the MAFSI Budget for 2025 and a new membership dues plan that will help keep the organization healthy for years to come.

Our six committees were hard at work too. I have the pleasure of working on the 2026 Conference Committee. If you missed the regional meetings or haven’t been to lately, let me take this opportunity to say we will be returning to the LaQuinta Resort & Club in Palm Springs, January 18-21, 2026.

Having attracted a record number of attendees to our last conference we felt we could go back and build on the last one. For those of you that might question the choice, please know only a few resorts can handle our size event and house us all together, which you told us is very important.

Get ready for content and gatherings even better than before. Registration opens at The NAFEM Show and on behalf of our 2026 Conference Chairs, Come Hungry!

 2026 MAFSI All Conference Chairs Screenshot

The next time we will be together is The NAFEM Show in Atlanta where we will hold our Annual Membership Meeting and Cocktail Reception at which time I will pass the gavel to our first Female President (Madam Prime Minister?) Stephanie Perry from Permul Ltd. in Mississauga, Canada. Register today! Also, Rep Members, be sure to get your Free Early Rep Access badges, compliments of NAFEM.

Finally, thank you to my Executive Board, Stephanie Perry, VP; Chris East, Treasurer; Garrett Redd, Treasurer-Elect, Tom Mitchell, Chairman and our MAFSI and SpecPath staff, Alison Cody, Stacey Morken, Heather Pittman, Cheryl Goode, Stephanie Key, Viacheslav (Slava) Hladushyn, Vlad Zhuravskyi, Suhail Mansoorie, Junaid Ahmad and Suhaib Mansoorie for making the past two years serving our members unforgettable. See you soon in the ATL!

Be well.




Neil Inverso, MAFSI President
Post by Neil Inverso, MAFSI President
December 1, 2024
Neil Inverso, CFSP, President & CEO of ONE SOURCE REPS, Richboro, Pennsylvania is the President of MAFSI National from MAFSI Region 04 - Keystone.
