Neil Inverso, MAFSI President
By Neil Inverso, MAFSI President on September 08, 2024

Highlights from the Summer Board Meeting and Key Updates


Dear Members, 

I’ve just returned from our summer board meeting in Southern California, and what a meeting it was! If I gave the meeting a theme, it would be ‘times – they are changing’. 

Graphic 1 - Board Picture

There was a lot of discussion on our bylaws, the evolving role of the rep, evolution of MAFSI regions, software platforms, and how to best engage the youth we are so fortunate to have attracted to our industry –to name a few.

As always, we made sure member services like SpecPath, Pantry of Knowledge (POK), and Foodservice 101 are on track, adding value to your membership. We also looked at finance for both current and future budgets, and I am happy to report we are financially healthy, and the future is bright!

Graphic 2 - SpecPath POK FS101 Combined - Presidents Message-01-01-1

On that same note, a new treasurer will be voted on this summer (stay tuned!) and a board seat this September in Region 13 – Florida, Region 11 – Carolinas, and Region 1 – New England.

Graphic 3 - National Director Regions Horizontal-01

We also released MAFSI’s Core Values, our Core Focus and Guarantee, in accordance with Traction EOS.

First, is MAFSI’s Core Values

Graphic 4 - MAFSI Core Values

Next is our Core Focus


Graphic 5 - MAFSI Core Focus

Any finally, MAFSI’s Guarantee

Graphic 6 - MAFSI Guarantee

Our next board meeting will be in November at MAFSI Headquarters in Atlanta and shortly after that it will be back to Atlanta for NAFEM! 

TheNAFEMshow25-FullColor-DateLocationRep Members! - Don’t forget to register for your Free Early Access Badges. For all members, please register for our Membership Meeting and Cocktail Reception on the Wednesday of NAFEM, where believe it or not – my two years serving you as President will conclude and I will hand off to Stephanie Perry of Permul Ltd. as our new President. Like I said in the opening ‘times they are changing’ – but I look forward to transitioning to Chairman (Past President) and helping Stephanie and current MAFSI Treasurer, Chris East lead us further into the future. 

Last, I’d like to close by announcing the 2026 conference will be returning to La Quinta Resort in Palm Springs, January 18-21, 2026! After a record-breaking attendance, the size of the resort (which allows all members to stay on-site), and outstanding service from the property we are confident we will have yet another incredible conference. Please feel free to reach out to me with any comments or suggestions at

Graphic 8 - MAFSI 2026 Conference

At MAFSI, we’re incredibly lucky to have an engaged, smart, accomplished, and incredibly talented board of directors. Hailing from across the US and Canada, our board brings a tremendous amount of experience and genius not only to our meetings, but to our entire membership each and every day. Once again, huge welcome to our newest board members.

We’ll be updating you on our progress on all the above in the coming months. For now, enjoy summer and be well! 

Neil Inverso
MAFSI President


Published by Neil Inverso, MAFSI President September 8, 2024
Neil Inverso, MAFSI President