2022 Allied Industry Partners Mixer at NRA

May 3, 2022

You're Invited to 2022 Allied Industry Partners Mixer at NRA
Friday, May 20th
5:00 PM - 6:30 PM CDT
MAFSI will be joining CFESA, FCSI, FEDA, and NAFEM for an allied party mixer preceding the NRA Show in May.
The event will take place Friday, May 20th, in the grand ballroom at the JW Marriott Chicago, 51 W. Adams St., Chicago.
The organizations hosting the event include the Commercial Food Equipment Service Association (CFESA), the Foodservice Consultants Society International (FCSI), Food Equipment Distributors Association (FEDA), Manufacturers’ Agents Association for the Foodservice Industry (MAFSI), and North American Association of Food Equipment Manufacturers (NAFEM).
All members of MAFSI are invited to attend. Those wishing to participate in the mixer must register before the event.
Click here to register today.