MAFSI Proven Partner: Steven Mitchell Sack, Rep Member Legal Counsel

November 22, 2021

MAFSI is excited to introduce a new partnership with Steven Mitchell Sack, a nationally recognized attorney whose practice is devoted to sales rep litigation, contract negotiations, and general labor law.
His services are available for all MAFSI Rep members to receive free services or services at a reduced rate on such matters as pre-hiring considerations, contracts, hiring and firing of suppliers and employees, protecting commissions, and resignation and termination.
Steven Mitchell Sack was recently Named to the National Law Journal’s List of Employment Law Trailblazers and has been retained by MAFSI as appointed general counsel for the upcoming year.
Please read the following letter from Steven Mitchell Sack to our MAFSI Rep Firm members.
Dear MAFSI Rep Members:
It is an honor to once again be retained as your General Counsel and provide legal services to members from September 1, 2021, through August 31, 2022. As your attorney, I am interested in helping all of you with potential and current problems involving your principals, employees, and customers.
During my 41 years in private practice, I have represented thousands of sales reps in most industries throughout the United States, generally with successful results.
I welcome your comments, suggestions, and needs. One of the benefits you receive is unlimited telephone consultations with me at no charge. Thus, do not hesitate to call me if you have any questions or problems. Remember, the concept of "preventive law" really works. Thus, call me before you take on a new line, or resign from an old one and speak with me the moment you begin experiencing difficulties collecting earned commissions from a principal, or with a sales employee or sub-rep at your firm.
I appreciate your interest and support. Never forget that I am only a phone call away and eager to help you. As your association attorney, I have tremendous clout to resolve problems with your principals throughout the U.S., and I can negotiate settlements no matter where you are located.
My services work as follows: when you have a dispute with a principal or are experiencing a problem collecting commissions, call me at no charge to discuss the matter. My cell number is 917-371-8000 and I will endeavor to call you back immediately. If appropriate and after speaking with me, forward a package which contains the name, address of the company, and the officer to whom my demand email or telephone call should be directed to. This can be done either by mail or email. Enclose all pertinent documentation, such as copies of any contracts, letters of termination received, and letters of protest sent. I will review this immediately and call you to discuss the case. Although I typically receive a retainer between $500.00 and $1,000.00 for a review to nonmember clients, there is no charge to you for this service. If your case has merit, I will draft a demand email and try to negotiate the matter to a successful conclusion prior to the institution of a lawsuit. My discounted fee is Twenty Five Percent (25%) of any money collected.
If negotiations are unsuccessful and litigation is required in New York, I will be amenable to represent you either at a discounted hourly rate of $425.00 (normally $600.00), a contingency fee of Thirty Percent (30%), or a hybrid of the two. If litigation is required outside of New York, I will assist you in hiring competent local counsel in the appropriate jurisdiction to maximize your claim. If you wish me to be actively involved in the case thereafter, such as to review all pleadings, testify as an expert witness, or assist your local counsel at the trial, a retainer will be discussed and agreed upon based on my discounted hourly rate of $425.00.
Another service I perform is to review and advise you on all contracts you receive. Simply email them to with a cover letter when you believe a contract is ambiguous or unfair. I will review same immediately and call you back to discuss such agreements and provide you with valuable negotiating strategies. There is no charge for this service.
I have provided MAFSI with standard suggested contracts and agreements. These agreements are quite valuable and are yours as a courtesy. You can access these documents using the links below or visiting the Best Practices webpage.
- Suggested Contract: Standard Rep-Principal Agreement
- Suggested Principal Interview Checklist to use with Standard Contract
- Rep Letter for a Manufacturer Who Won't Sign a Contract
- Suggested Agreement: Independent Sub-Rep Agreement
- Suggested Agreement: Sales Rep Employee Agreement
I look forward to meeting you at the annual MAFSI annual January 2022 conference in Florida and working with you this coming year as your association attorney.
I truly appreciate the opportunity to protect your rights as a sales rep. My father of blessed memory was a sales rep and I know the legal problems you face first-hand.
Steven Mitchell Sack
Steven Mitchell Sack had a webinar for our Rep Principals on November 11, 2021. If you are a MAFSI Rep Member and would like to watch the recording, please CLICK HERE.
MAFSI's Proven Partner Program is a peer-reviewed resource consisting of recommended vendors, making it easier for MAFSI members to find service providers to help your business go further.
This list of partners will grow and change in time. We will make announcements membership-wide as continue to add to our Proven Partnerships.
If you have questions or would like to recommend a new member service provider or member benefit, please contact Ramsey Phillips at