MEMBER ASSOCIATE SPOTLIGHT: Meet Nick Cribb, President, CFESA and Sam Service, Inc.: Changing the status quo. - June/July 2024

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 MAFSI Member Spotlight profiles individual members, and their lives outside of commercial foodservice.

As we all know, there’s a lot more to a person than the work we do.


Meet Nick Cribb, President, CFESA and Sam Service, Inc.: Changing the status quo.

A valued member of MAFSI, Nick Cribb, President of CFESA and SAM Service, Inc., is experienced leader with a demonstrated history of working in the foodservice industry. He is skilled in leadership, team building, marketing strategy, financial analysis, and public speaking.






Name: Nick Cribb 
Title: President
Company: CFESA and SAM Service, Inc.
Years in "The Biz": 11
Interviewed by: Kate Pennington, Sales Operations Manager, Greenwald Sales & Marketing


  1. What's your favorite non-work activity, and why?

    Golf, mostly for the humor and community. I love seeing God's creation in mountains, rivers, and animals. I like to remain humble, and golf does that for me. I'm not very good at it, but I really enjoy it. 

  2. Guilty Pleasure: What can you not live without?  (e.g, Reality TV, specific junk foods, 80’s hair bands, etc.)

    Sports. All the sports. University of Georgia, Atlanta Falcons, and the Hawks. LeBron James and I are kindred spirits. I love that the Olympics are coming up. You've never seen a bigger swimming fan than me!

  3. If you could eat anywhere for your next meal, where would it be and why?

    Riverfront BBQ in Leesburg, GA. The best fried catfish with tartar sauce with a little bit of hot sauce mixed in.

  4. What’s one piece of advice you have for a young person in the industry?

    Strive for self actualization and then be the most honest version of that. While you might not possess leadership or management skills initially, these can develop as you master your craft. Don't aim to conquer the world or become a CEO immediately. If you're assigned to sweep the floors, ensure no one does it better than you.

  5. What's something you've crossed off your bucket list?

    I went to Europe twice this year. I got to go to Milan, Italy for host where I got to see all kinds of different cooking equipment. Then on to London and up to Birmingham and around seeing different manufacturers, also some service agents that do exactly what I do. Driving on the left side of the road was so unsettling. I got to take in the culture and build some meaningful relationships. It was something that I never thought I'd do growing up.

Want to see Nick in action as a speaker? Watch his amazing Keynote at the MAFSI 2024 Conference in Palm Springs, CA.

Want to learn more about supporting Nick and other CFESA members?

Watch Nick Cribb, Mike Colligon, Chris Jeens and Shaun Gallagher discuss "Building Relationships between Equipment Service Agents and Manufacturers' Reps" on MAFSI's Podcast, The Good, The Bad and The Foodservice Industry (GBFSI)

Episode 002 GBFSI - Service Agents - Podcast Cover Art with Arrow

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Kate Pennington, Business Development Manager, Greenwald Sales & Marketing, LLC, Columbus, Ohio is a member of the MAFSI Membership and Marketing Committee from MAFSI Region 07 - Mid-America.
