Neil Inverso, MAFSI President
By Neil Inverso, MAFSI President on September 08, 2024

The Importance of Allied Partners

The Importance of Allied Partners


It feels like just yesterday we got together in Palm Springs for a record-breaking MAFSI conference attended by almost 750 members. Thank you for your unparalleled support and engagement.

I’d like to give a special thank you to our allied partners who attended.

  1. From NAFEM, we had Rich Packer, CFSP, NAFEM President and COO from American Metalcraft, Inc., and Deirdre Flynn, Executive Vice President.

  2. From CFESA, we welcomed CFESA President Nick Cribb, President Sam Service Inc., and Executive Director, Heather Price

  3. Joining us from FCSI The Americas was FCSI Chair Christine Guyott, FCSI, RDN, from Rippe Associates

  4. Representing FEDA, we had Dave Stafford, FEDA Chairman and President & CEO of Stafford-Smith, Inc. 

    At the conference, Nick Cribb gave us an outstanding keynote address on perseverance. I especially want to thank Mr. Rich Packer, now NAFEM Ex-Officio, for my stylish tee shirt in this picture. 

    Allied Picture for Apr May 2024 Presidents Message

Pictured L to R: Nick Cribb, CFESA President; Rick Packer, NAFEM Ex-Officio; Christine Guyott, FCSI NAD Chair; Neil Inverso, MAFSI President and Dave Stafford, FEDA Chairman.

FEDA, FCSI, CFESA, and NAFEM partners make everything each one of us does possible. They constantly strive to improve the practices and processes of the industry and, in doing so – improve the people within it. I had the pleasure of seeing this first-hand at some of their recent conferences.
From NAFEM’s fantastic Annual Meeting in February in Savannah, GA, to FCSI’s rockin’ conference in Austin, TX, just last week, all of us strive to improve ourselves, our processes, and our resources.

However, none of it would have been possible without the dedicated volunteers who lead these organizations.

Volunteers like Rich Packer, American Metalcraft, Inc., who served two great years as president of NAFEM, further their initiative to end food insecurity with Feeding America®. NAFEM members have donated 34.14 million meals to their neighbors fighting hunger in just four years through their signature social purpose program. 

The bar has certainly been raised, but I know incoming president Steve Spittle, Middleby Corporation, will do an equally impressive job. 

I feel fortunate to call NAFEM Executive Vice President, Deirdre Flynn, CFSP and Charlie Souhrada, CFSP, Vice President, Regulatory & Technical Affairs, not only close colleagues but now close friends. 

The same can be said for the great folks at FCSI. Their conference was terrific and highlighted the great creative forces moving the consultant community to new heights. FCSI NAD Chair, Christine Guyott, Rippe Associates, FCSI, RDN is a true leader in every way. I also want to give a shout-out to FCSI NAD Past Chair Eric Norman, FCSI, recently elected as FCSI Worldwide President, and Executive Director Wade Koehler for their incredible hospitality.

Five Families Slide with Logos

This September, Alison and I will be honored to attend FEDA’s conference in Colorado Springs, CO. We look forward to learning about all the great initiatives led by FEDA Chairman Dave Stafford, Stafford-Smith, Inc., and Tracy Mulqueen, President and CEO.

Rounding out the fall, we will be back in Savannah, GA, in October for CFESA’s conference and look forward to being amazed by their education programs and member engagement, which are a direct result of the great leadership of Nick Cribb, CFESA President and President of Sam Service Inc., and Executive Director Heather Price.

Additionally, a huge shout-out to our Buying Group partners who joined in California from SEFA, LLC, PRIDE Centric Resources, NexGen Procurement Group, and Strata GPO (formally Excell/Nissco).

As you remember, SEFA stepped up huge for reps as our Diamond Sponsor for MAFSI 2024. Thank you to Kelly Cain and her team. Alison will attend the SEFA conference in Colorado later this month. 

SEFA Diamond Sponsor

We will continue the Allied love with the MAFSI, NAFEM, and CFESA Allied Mixer at NRA on Friday, May 17th, from 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. at the JW Marriott. All members of the three associations are welcome. Register by May 13th! 

Through my travels, I’ve learned that we each have unique challenges and opportunities, but we have much more in common. We’re all people working hard for our families, customers, colleagues, and this great industry. 

Be well.

Neil Inverso
MAFSI President

Published by Neil Inverso, MAFSI President September 8, 2024
Neil Inverso, MAFSI President